Feature Article

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches! Reason #5: Not knowing or controlling your costs and expenses - By Kevin Bresson MBA, M.Eng In part 1 of this series,...

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches!  Reason #4: Forgetting that sales should be managed too - By Kevin Bresson MBA, M.Eng In one my earlier article...

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches!  Reason #3: In the wrong business - By Kevin Bresson MBA, M.Eng A little business joke, to start with a smile: ...


My all-time favourite 'non-promotion', promotional tourism campaign

My feature article argues why less should be spent on branding, and this is the best example of how social media allows a very clever and cheap 'non-promotion' to result in significant promotion for...

Increase in tourism arrivals - correct measure of success?

I briefly touched on measuring success correctly and thought I would do a quick example of a market share calculation - to check whether the increase in tourism arrivals celebrated in Seychelles is r...

Seychelles Tourism Infographic - Top 5 visitor origins in 2013, by continent

IF YOU LIKE IT, SHARE IT! > Social links below > Better still, grab the code below to embed the infographic on your site Please include attribution to www.beach2bigcity.blogspot.com wit...


** FACEBOOK CAMPAIGN ** Pictures of traditional Seychelles "camion" bus

https://www.facebook.com/pages/Oli-camion/442771072536258  While writing my latest article, I was surprised not to find any pictures of the traditional buses ("camion") of Seychelles online!&n...

Business Tools & Forms

An easy way to capture your small business expenses (aka. Indirect Costs)

This spreadsheet has been prepared for monitoring expenses for 12 months (on a sheet/tab per month), and summarizing them so that you get a full view of what is happening during the year.  It ...

How to do a SWOT analysis

This is one of the simplest and most complete explanations on how to do a SWOT analysis.

Cash-flow planning in 3 easy steps

Make time to do this once a week or month Print out my easy planning worksheet form (pdf) or download my computer spreadsheet (MS Excel) - further instructions are included on it Sharpen your pen...

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches! Reason #5: Not knowing or controlling your costs and expens...

An easy way to capture your small business expenses (aka. Indirect Costs)

This spreadsheet has been prepared for monitoring expenses for 12 months (on a sheet/tab per month), and summarizing them so that you ge...

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches!  Reason #4: Forgetting that sales should be managed too -...

How to do a SWOT analysis

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches!  Reason #3: In the wrong business - By Kevin Bresson MBA, M...

Why small African businesses fail, and how to avoid it

A short series, in very few words, that will save you big business headaches!  Reason #2: Mixing personal cash with business cash - By Ke...

Cash-flow planning in 3 easy steps

Make time to do this once a week or month Print out my easy planning worksheet form (pdf) or download my computer spreadsheet (MS Ex...

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Thank you for the comment Arindam. You might have a point re more weight on brand management, but organizations easily fall into the trap of overspending on brand image, hence my emphasis on fixing t...

Arindam Das:

This is an interesting article where you make some salient observations. I like your framework for value addition though I think I would apportion more weight towards "Brand Management and Propos...


Thank you for your comment Paul. I cannot answer for the Government of Seychelles but based on my travels & observations around the world, all governments have lots of plans but priorities of the...


Kevin as somebody who has been visiting Seychelles annually since 1994 I have had this discussion many times with people ranging from a hotel barman to senior politicians. The problem seems to be long...


Thank you for the comment and well wishes Marc. Great to have thoughts from someone who observed 'from the ground' once again, and I sincerely hope these articles will somehow make up for peo...

Hot Posts



Thank you for the comment Arindam. You might have a point re more weight on brand management, but organizations easily fall into the trap of overspending on brand image, hence my emphasis on fixing t...

Arindam Das:

This is an interesting article where you make some salient observations. I like your framework for value addition though I think I would apportion more weight towards "Brand Management and Propos...


Thank you for your comment Paul. I cannot answer for the Government of Seychelles but based on my travels & observations around the world, all governments have lots of plans but priorities of the...


Kevin as somebody who has been visiting Seychelles annually since 1994 I have had this discussion many times with people ranging from a hotel barman to senior politicians. The problem seems to be long...


Thank you for the comment and well wishes Marc. Great to have thoughts from someone who observed 'from the ground' once again, and I sincerely hope these articles will somehow make up for peo...

For The Love Of Africa

COMMENTS WELCOMED: I would love to hear from you…so comment away! Motivate further conversation by sharing a quick opinion or adding to the discussion – motivate me to continue as I sincerely hope my voice is added to many other afro-optimist voices out there!
Please keep all comments on-topic and relevant to the original post. Do not post comments which contain profanity, hate speech or solicitations of any kind.
I have no intention of moderating comments, but if anyone forgets the above “play nice” rules, I reserve the right to play moderator!

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